community-minded care for your birthing year and beyond
We are a team of doulas providing birth and postpartum support, childbirth education, and lactation services to new and expanding families throughout New York City.
We help folks understand their choices through pregnancy, labor, and postpartum, so that they can approach this transformation knowing they are well informed, cared for, and supported.
Upcoming Childbirth Education Series: February 8+9, 11am-1pm; March 22+23, 11am-1pm in Brooklyn
Upcoming Newborn Care & Infant Feeding class: Jan 18th, 11am-1:30pm in Brooklyn
Upcoming Groups: 6 week birthing year circle (open to both prenatal and postpartum birthing parents) on Thursdays from 10-11:15am starting 1/9 and ending 2/13