To foster connection among our clients and within the larger community, we offer groups for prenatal and postpartum folks, lasting either 4 or 6 weeks. Typically, our 6-week groups are general groups for prenatal and postpartum folks, with a weekly theme, while our 4-week groups are more specific, such as groups for parents of multiple children, queer families, partners, etc. Each group is cohort-based, which is to say that sign up for the series ahead of time is required—the idea is to build community with the same group of people over the course of the series.

Groups are free for clients and $100 for the series for non-clients, though no one will be turned away for lack of funds. Contact us through our website or by emailing if you’d like to join!

Upcoming groups:

Prenatal/postpartum group: this group is for anyone pregnant or postpartum hoping to meet others and share their experiences of the birthing year and beyond. Each week there will be a grounding exercise, some time to share, and a discussion around the weekly theme, such as: relationships and boundaries, expectations versus reality, sex and intimacy, and identity. Meets over Zoom.

  • June 14 - July 19 2024 - Fridays 12-1:15pm

Partners Group: this group is for partners of those who are pregnant or postpartum. We will meet to share experiences around parenting; identity shifts; support in pregnancy, birth, and postpartum; and more. Meets over Zoom.

  • Ongoing; contact us at for details

Parenting Support Group: This group is for ALL parents or parents-to-be. (Co-parents are also welcome to join together!)  Over 4 sessions we will come together in a small group to discuss the experience of parenting and our evolving relationships with our kids. Themes will include reflecting on how we were parented, bringing our values to parenting, and navigating parenting alongside others (spouses, partners, co-parents, grandparents, other caregivers). Meets over zoom. Facilitated by Marina.

  • Toddlers & Beyond – this specific parent support group will offer a space to discuss the joys and challenges of parenting slightly older kiddos and will meet on the following - open to all parents with at least one child who is a toddler or older.

Second and beyond baby group: A group for anyone with two or more kids looking to build community and share their experiences around pregnancy, birth, and being a parent (or soon-to-be-parent) of siblings. Facilitated by Jeanette.

  • Wednesdays in May: 5/15, 5/22, 5/29, June 5 from 10-11:15am

Queer family group: This group is a space for queer, transgender & gender nonconforming parents or families or parents-to-be to come together and share their unique experiences of pregnancy & parenting, as well as meet other queer families. Meetings will be on zoom with the hope of having the final session be in-person at a local park.

  • Coming up in Summer 2024, dates TBA.